knowledge Walnut

2019-08-06 23:45 admin
   Analysis of the medical reasons: "walnut, for nourishing the liver and kidney, strong muscles and bones to take medicine, so the good treatment of the back pain, all the bones and pains. For it can repair kidney, so can solid tooth, wu hair, cure the hollow cough, the gas return to the yuan, the lower jiao virtual cold, the urine frequency, the women's collapse with the disease."
      Therefore, walnut is an ideal tonic food, walnut contains fat, protein, not only a large quantity and quality. In addition, it also contains sugar, a variety of vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, chromium and other minerals, as well as tannin, fiber, and pentosan. According to analysis: 500 grams of walnut meat nutritional value, equivalent to 2500 grams of eggs, 4750 grams of milk or 1500 grams of pork, thus it can be seen that the nutritional value of walnuts is quite abundant. Whether it is to be used for medicinal purposes, or to eat separately, water boiled, sugar dipping, cooking, all have the good effect of nourishing qi, nourishing the kidney, relieving cough, breathing and drying. There are many ways to eat walnuts, add the walnut to the right amount of salted water, drink water to eat slag can treat kidney empty waist pain, imperfection, impotency, forgetfulness, tinnitus, urinals and so on. Walnuts are equivalent to coinage and chestnut, which can be used to treat urine frequency, spermatorrhea, fecal diarrhea, and diarrhea. Walnut with sesame seeds, lotus seeds with sugar dip, can mend the heart, still can cure night sweats. Raw walnuts and cinnamon, hawthorn, can improve the heart function. Walnuts are also widely used in the treatment of neurasthenia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, emphysema and stomachache.
  In addition to the walnuts, pecan and pepper are good choices. At ordinary times at home can get some walnut porridge: glutinous rice porridge, the pot boiled in the walnuts and jujube, boil 10 minutes again, so most nutrition:) if you taste is heavy, like to eat sweet food, nuts can try the method of fire, in the home is the most simple heating pot, increase of the salt and sugar, monosodium glutamate, pepper, spicy powder flavor, such as the powder reaches a certain heat, add walnuts, use small fire fry, dish up when the color of the salt began to grow dark, walnut sweet salty said ~ ~ ~ however, walnut got hot, containing fat, to eat many will rubs people and nausea, are irritated, diarrhea, people should not eat. Pay attention! Can be blended into the walnut juice (walnuts + bean), can consult to the northeast of wire drawing practice to make sugar, walnuts, also can pepper salt (two ways, wire drawing and salt and pepper is more easily lose, children, older people eat less as far as possible), guangdong people usually use walnut to soup (pig bones + walnut + + red jujube longan pulp) tastes very good, to do mental work, the child mental development is very effective. The last method is to eat raw, simple and convenient, and nutritious.
      Walnut meat has the lowest nutritional value loss, and the fresh walnut meat which is not dried during harvest season is more delicious. Currently, eating fresh walnut meat is common in developed countries. In the near future, consumers in China will be able to eat nutritious delicious fresh walnuts at any time. On the consumption of walnut meat, it is generally believed that five to six walnuts are eaten daily, about 20 ~ 30 grams of walnut meat are suitable. Eat too much, can produce phlegm, disgusting, serious person can have serious diarrhoea, even water sample defecate, cause the body to dehydrate, if because edible walnut causes diarrhoea, please seek medical treatment in time. In addition, the Yin and the fire, the defecation, the exhalation, the nosebleeds should eat less or eat the walnuts. Every 100 grams of walnut meat contains 20.97 units of antioxidants, is 20 times higher than orange juice, the antioxidant content of spinach is 0.98 single digits, the carrot is 0.04 unit, the tomato is 0.31 unit. Scientists believe that people absorb the antioxidants of walnuts, which can protect them from many diseases. So far, people have known that eating walnuts often reduces cholesterol in the blood and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Barcelona teaching hospital diet and nutrition director emilio Ross said, in this sense, add a small amount of walnut powder to the diet daily, can make blood levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) decreased by 15%, because of walnuts contain Ω 3 and 6 fatty acids Ω..